Sunday, August 11, 2013

Yay For Making The World A Better Place!

I was happily sitting in my room when my day took a toll for the worst. My aunt informed me about the 16 year old transgender who was murdered in Jamaica.

There are so many things I want to rant about.

Yesterday I attended a market day in Chicago attended by many people who believe in LGBT rights and it was the most amazing, lively, and happy event I've been to in a while.

Either way....people should be allowed to do what they want. Be who they want. Without every Jane and Jon Doe blabbering about how it is against nature, a crime against God, and all that bullshit.

It's not a choice, it's a desire. If it were a choice, I'm pretty sure people would prefer not to be scrutinised every single day for something that has nothing to do with anyone else but themselves. It's kind of like liking Durian. People who lack a certain chemical in their mouths like the taste of Durian, otherwise people hate it. Not that there is anything wrong with either person. Are you going to kill someone who likes Durian?

For the people who say that the world has improved and past the Hitler days of discrimination - you're wrong. Hitler only wanted the "Aryan" race to prevail (blonde-hair-blue-eyes race - which is kind of funny considering I'm technically a part of the Aryan race and I'm India with dark brown hair and eyes). He had this vision of an ideal race and pretty much abused and killed everyone who didn't match his ideal vision. So for anyone who's against the LGBT community....congratulations. You're following in Hitler's footsteps on a whole new and intense level - worldwide discrimination.

Yay for making the world a better place!

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